Manufacturing Procedure

We use a rotary and multi-technical manufacturing procedure. This integrates a wide range of processes and skills:

Rotary: the principal raw materials are provided in the form of reels (cardboards, papers and films).

Multi-technical: every manufacturing process involves several consecutive operations: printing, pasting, cutting, etc.

Raw materials

The main raw materials are :

  • Plastic films

  • Papers

  • Cardboards (mainly recycled fibres)

  • Inks (mainly water-based)

  • Water-based laminating glues

  • Heat-sealing glues


The main machines are :

  • Printing machines (Helios, Flexo)

  • Laminating machine Film / Film

  • Laminating machine Film / Cardboard

  • Cutting machines

These specific types of equipment and production lines are the result of technical innovations produced by the CGF Research department.


CGF has integrated skills and know-how in the following areas :

  • Mechanical engineering

  • Cutting tools

  • Inks: formulation and mixtures

This technical autonomy gives us a great flexibility and responsiveness to customer requests : special orders, responses to tight deadlines, etc…